May 15 @ 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
With the coming of the spring, we can feel our bodies crave the new, the fresh, the freedom of movement that sun and warmth allow. After months of confinement and consuming frozen or faraway produce, we begin to dream again of local early greens and asparagus. We’ll take this day to celebrate the ingenuity, tenacity and creativity of renewed life, both physical in the food we’ll enjoy and “metaphysical” in the hope and vivacity we feel in the lengthening of sunlight.
Ingredients of the day will include: quiet reflection; group discussion; mindful, joyful eating of lunch; a cooking class; a workshop on growing microgreens; participative preparation of supper and its celebratory enjoyment. Become a part of Loyola House’s renowned kitchen for an afternoon!
- Not a silent retreat
- Limited to 15 participants
- Price includes a full lunch, supper plus a cooking class and microgreen growing classes
- Group activities
Facilitated Loyola House’s Kitchen Manager, Sheri Bishop (co-founder of With the Grain), Greg Kennedy (Ignatius spiritual director) and Ignatius Farm’s Education Coordinator, Lisa Conroy.
- $135 – fee for full day
Any questions, contact the Registrar’s office at 519-824-1250 ext. 266 or email