a narrative film series about human trafficking, presented by Adelmo Dunghe, SJ
Mondays, October 16, 30, and November 13, 6:00pm-8:00pm. In-Person Only. $80
“The hidden figure of crime.” This is how the United Nations describes the 20- to 40-million people who are being held in slavery today. The lesser-known but powerful films in our brief series consider the evils of human trafficking via some popular genres. The Lost Son is a crime drama, while La Sconosciuta takes the form of a thriller. And Once You’re Born… is an adventure full of unexpected twists and turns. These are films, mostly in foreign languages, with English subtitles and address difficult themes with explicit content.
- The Lost Son (France/UK 2000) – “Innocence isn’t lost – it’s taken…”
- La Sconosciuta (The Unknown Woman) (Italy 2006) – The painful cost of independence…
- Quando sei nato non puoi piu nasconderti (Once You’re Born, You Can’t Hide Anymore) (Italy 2005) – It’s not just an adventure…
Film selection is subject to confirmation.