On April 18, Jesuits, benefactors, and friends gathered to honour Magis award recipient, Scarboro Missions, and Golden Jesuit Jubilarians Father Michael Kolarcik, SJ, and Brother Leo Mikkola, SJ, at the 12th Annual Jesuit Provincial’s Dinner.
The evening honoured the 100th anniversary of the Foundation of China Missions, known as Scarboro Missions; active from 1918 until today, recognizing the Canadian priests and lay missioners who have served in mission all over the world. As they brought their experience and learning back to the Church in Canada, many have been blessed with their work in social justice and in interreligious dialogue.
The dinner also celebrated two Jesuit Golden Jubilarians, Fr. Michael Kolarcik, SJ and Br. Leo Mikkola, SJ. Father Kolarcik has had a long and distinguished academic career and is known to many through his work at Regis College, teaching Old Testament. He is currently Rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
Brother Leo worked in northern Ontario in Indigenous ministry for many years before moving to Toronto in 1996. In Toronto he has ably, quietly, and efficiently assisted the superior in many Jesuit communities, where he has been a key part of each community’s gift of hospitality.
This fundraiser was the last Provincial’s Dinner hosted by the Jesuits in English Canada. On July 31, 2018, a new Jesuit Province of Canada/Province du Canada will be born, uniting the Jesuits of the English Canada and French Canada Provinces.