3-day accompanied retreat for the LGBTQ+ community.
As ‘marginalized’ people, it is important that we recognize ourselves as loved by God in who we are. In the love that presides over His creation, He rejects nothing He creates; on the contrary, He cherishes us.
Throughout this retreat, we will be invited to encounter the beauty of who we are and to recognize our magnificent uniqueness … what makes me ‘me’ and not what I’d like to be, what I think others would like me to be, what I’ve imagined myself to be.
If I look closely at Jesus in the Gospel, I can see that he has a clear preference for those who don’t conform to what others want them to be… and he blesses them. And what’s even more striking is the fact that Jesus builds his Church on what is small, weak and rejected by the ‘do-gooders’.
During this weekend of prayer and reflection, Nicola Di Narzo and Mark Langlois invite you to consider some fundamental questions. Who is God calling me to be? What is my unique personal vocation, my personal call to truly be who I am? Am I called to ‘do’ for God, or rather to BE? And in the end, is being marginal a curse or a blessing?