Gospel (literally “good news”)
The good news or glad tidings about Jesus.* Plural. The first four works of the Christian scriptures (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Jesus*–each with its own particular theological emphasis –and thus invite a response of faith and hope in him.
Various titles or names are given to the Mystery underlying all that exists–e.g., the Divine, Supreme Being, the Absolute, the Transcendent, the All Holy-but all of these are only “pointers” to a Reality beyond human naming and beyond our limited human comprehension. Still, some conceptions are taken to be less inadequate than others within a […]
General Congregation
Jesuit leaders from around the world meet from time to time for what are called General Congregations, often to elect a new Superior General and address important issues facing the order, the Church, and the world. There have been only 36 general congregations throughout the history of the Jesuits, and they are the highest governing […]