January 31, 2025 @ 7:30 pm – February 2, 2025 @ 3:00 pm
Facilitated by Ehaab Abdou, Aryne Sheppard, and Greg Kennedy
The need for ecological and social activism in today’s hurting world is undeniable. But how do we keep up the essential struggles for peace, justice and the integrity of creation without succumbing to the many possible burn-outs of body, spirit, hope and happiness? What can we do to ensure our actions spring from love rather than fear and hatred?
This weekend retreat aspires to deepen in retreatants both their commitment to work creatively for a better world and their capacity to sustain this work in wholesome, life-giving ways.
Sharing practices of meditation, motion, artistic expression, healthy eating, intellectual engagement, and meaningful sharing within a community of concerned individuals, participants will fortify their ability to be contemplatives in action, wherever their particular sphere of activism lies. It also aims at strengthening integral leadership in the social and ecological sectors.
All persons concerned about Earth and neighbour will benefit from this interactive retreat hosted on the fruitful and ample land of IJC, the beauty of which spontaneously invites contemplation.
- Not a silent retreat
- Group activities
- Individual spiritual direction not available
Ehaab Abdou teaches courses on social entrepreneurship and community engagement at Wilfrid Laurier University. He is passionate about creating brave and safe spaces where all can thrive, including supporting young people in fulfilling their dreams of community development. Ehaab’s PhD research at McGill University focused on making K-12 curricula more inclusive. In Egypt he helped co-found two youth-led community organizations including Nahdet El Mahrousa. Driven by his deep respect for diversity and his belief in music’s power to effect social change, he continues to write and perform Egyptian Arabic songs. Listen his recent songs on YouTube and learn more about his academic work on his Laurier profile page.
Aryne Sheppard, M.Ed. PCC – Aryne is an adult educator and integral coach specializing in leadership development and personal growth. Professionally, she brings two decades of experience in social change, sustainability, and community capacity-building. Aryne has been a meditator in the Theravada Buddhist tradition for over 25 years and believes the cultivation of inner silence is invaluable to the work of transformation.
Greg Kennedy writes poetry, acts locally and thinks cosmologically. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, his home both spiritually and physically. In the facilitating of retreats, Greg meets the spirit of his creativity.
- $374 – Ensuite Room  – private single bedroom with 3-piece washroom, desk and chair
- $329 – Standard Room – private single bedroom with sink, desk and chair
- $215 – Commuter – a private room is not included with these fees
Room availability will show in the form’s options below. If all room options are at capacity (FULL), then only the Waiting List option will show…please do fill out the application form to get on the Waiting List! Any questions, contact the Registrar’s office at 519-824-1250 ext. 266 or email registration@ignatiusguelph.ca.