Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 16th Annual Jesuit Provincial’s Dinner – Toronto, which will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. This is our 16th annual event, and we are hoping to make it the best one yet.
Fr. Erik Oland, SJ will be presiding over his final dinner as Provincial Superior of the Jesuits of Canada.
At this gathering, we will honour our long-time friends, Ruth Henneberry and William Blakeney, with the Magis award. Magis is one of the most significant words in the Jesuit lexicon, it signifies “the more” that is, St. Ignatius’ desire of always seeking to go further in our desire to serve the Lord. Ruth and Bill exemplify the Magis award in all that they do for the Jesuits of Canada.
The dinner also honours our Jesuit Jubilarians. This year we will be celebrating Fr. Michel R. Boutilier, SJ who serves currently as chaplain at St. Paul’s High School in Winnipeg.
Join us for Mass, a pre-dinner reception, and a dinner at The Bellvue Manor, nestled at 8083 Jane Street in Vaughan, ON. Mass begins at 5:00 pm, followed by the pre-dinner reception at 6:00 pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00 pm.
Your generosity directly contributes to funding a scholarship for a Jesuit in formation. Tickets cost $150 per person, with a tax receipt of $80. Consider purchasing a table of eight cost $1,200 with a tax receipt of $640. Sponsorships are graciously appreciated.
To order tickets, become a sponsor and purchase a table, contact the Jesuit Office of Advancement at 416-481-9154 or via email at Please make cheques or money orders payable to the Jesuits of Canada.
We are aware that many of you live at a great distance and are unable to attend our dinner in person, would you consider making a donation to support this important fundraising event?
We look forward to honouring our Magis recipients and our Jubilarian. Your continued support is invaluable to the Jesuits of Canada, and for that, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. The Jesuits pray for you daily.
Looking forward to welcoming you on April 17, 2024.
Respectfully Yours in Christ,
Scott McMaster,
Director of Advancement